You are currently browsing the monthly archive for July 2007.

Best birthday present ever – 1 week machine knitting workshop at Jeanette Sendler’s studio with Barbara Ridland. (Mon 23rd – 27th July 2007)

The course included:

  • Introduction to single bed stitch structures
  • Introduction to different types of yarns, needles, various functions, material equipment
  • Developing samples. Compiling a portfolio, including hole stitching, weave, tuck, lace structures, hand finishing skills
  • Introduction to hand knit Fair Isle
  • Introduction to Shetland machine lace knitting
  • Hand finishing skills

Here are some of the samples and work that we created including a beautiful frill scarf – with very square points, a mesh effect, some hand lacing (to get an appreciation of how punch cards work), fairisle and a camisole top.

Frill scarfMesh knitLace by handFairisle sampleFrill 2Camisole