You are currently browsing the monthly archive for May 2007.

I was browsing in Waterstones and came across Subversive cross stitch, a book by Julie Jackson. There are definitely parallels with Tilleke Schwartz work, using traditional embroidery to make untraditional statements and commenting on contemporary language today. So having always assumed that cross stitch had to be from a kit and had to include twee animals I have put together a small sample:

I’m a gorgeous

When I was in the embroidery shop in the Grassmarket I saw a great flyer for a workshop on contemporary crafts at the Collective Gallery. The ad included a tiny cross stitch with something along the lines of ‘Hang out your draws’ and was shaped and stuffed as a tiny pair of knickers. I have never been into pincushions but now I want one! So I am currently thinking of ideas for my own pincushion – bra?! T-shirt?

This would also be a great idea for making birthday cards. ‘You’re a gorgeous’, ‘Happy **** Birthday’.

I always fancied myself as someone who made their own clothes but somehow have never managed to get around to it, or really believe that I will like the end result.

So I decided to start with a pattern that I really liked. This halter neck pattern is from Amy Butler and can be bought on-line at I chose a Liberty style paisley print to begin with. I am really pleased so far and just have the invisible zip to insert. Here is what is looks like so far:

Halter neck in progress

I love what is going on in the US.  

My first embroidery project:



Embroidered cuff

Completed second project for City and Guilds in Creative Embroidery:

C&G Panel

My new treat to myself arrived today – Tilleke Schwarz’s beautiful book: Mark Making.

Tilleke Schwartz

 I never thought that I would get excited about embroidery, but since starting a City and Guilds in Creative Embroidery my eyes have been opened, and I have huge respect for the skill and patience demonstrated.


Tilleke’s work has a wonderful child like quality, but is not naive in anyway. I love the use of words, language and phrases which arise from her observations of modern day life, combined with traditional sampler techniques.